Scanned By Howard Osburn

Presented by The Wayne County Genealogical & Historical Society




Dr. C. E. Romans and Oscar Watts, members of the county court, explained this week why the county infirmary was leased to J. C. Wilson for one dollar a year.

Leasing of the property was a step suggested by the state department of public assistance in order that inmates at the infirmary may qualify for maintenance furnished by the state, the two county court members said.

Dr. Romans and Mr. Watts said the director of the state public assistance department, A. W. Garnett, advised the court that his department could not provide for the upkeep of the inmates of the infirmary while it was operated by the county. Mr. Garnett suggested that the court could lease the property to some person for one dollar per year, with the understanding that this person would take care of the inmates of the institution and the public assistance department would reimburse him for his expenses in connection therewith. The leasing of the property to Mr. Wilson was merely an arrangement for obtaining state aid for the inmates, it was explained.

After the property had been leased to Mr. Wilson, the county council made a contract with him to maintain the inmates of the infirmary at the rate of $21.25 per person per month, the same rate which prevailed in the contract formerly existing between the county court and the state department.

Last year the operation and maintenance of the county infirmary and the hospital located there cost the county a considerable sum of money but under the present plan the county will not incur any expense in connection with the institution, Commissioners Romans and Watts further explained.

The two ccurt members said the lease can be cancelled at any time by the county court. The arrangement, they said, was made on a temporary basis pending possible legislation which it is believed will be passed at this session of the legislature to provide some permanent solution for the operation of county farms in various parts of the state. Until some permanent solution is forthcoming the county court merely wanted to lease the property to some responsible individual who would keep the property intact and maintain the inmates, and Mr. Wilson, being a former member of the court and acquainted with the system, was selected for this purpose, it was explained.



Wayne's municipal officials are investigating the possibilities of calling a bond election here for the purpose of matching WPA funds available for improvement of local streets.

The subject is under consideration, it was stated this week by Mayor Byron Smith. The town is already bonded for approximately $9,000 and these bonds would have to be paid off but it is believed this problem can be solved by floating a new bond for a sufficient amount to pay off the old bonds and an additional amount to provide the town's share on street improvements. The town has been requested to furnish $3,500 for the work, it was stated, and WPA will provide approximately $30,000.

Thus the new bond issue would be for about $12,500 and this amount would take care of the old bonds and place the town in a position to receive a considerable amount of street work.

Streets which would be improved under the program are Hall and the street running behind the court house and circling up by the Log Cabin Canteen and the Wayne Hardware, and also the completion of Bluefield street.

Mayor Smith said he planned to go to Charleston within a few days to consult state officials about the plan for a bond issue. The subject is also expected to come up for discussion at the next meeting of the town council.



The Workman heirs have deeded to the Chartiers Oil company three acres of land near the mouth of Patrick creek on which the company plans to construct an industrial plant for purifying and marketing natural gas.

No official announcement has been made by the company but it is believed here that construction of the plant will be started when the weather is favorable. The development will represent an investment of about $50,000, it is reported.

The Chartiers company owns five wells in that vicinity which will be opened for production of natural gas when the plant is completed. The wells were drilled several years ago but have been shut in. Construction and operation of the plant will also necessitate the laying of pipe lines which will provide employment for several local workmen.



Termed the worst disaster ever to be inflicted upon that section, a record-breaking flood is sweeping through the nearby Ohio river valley.

Entire towns are virtually covered with flood waters, which have wrought damage impossible to estimate and desolation difficult to describe.

The flood at Huntington, Westmoreland, Ceredo, and Kenova is now in its ninth day but the crest has finally been reached and the river has started falling. This definite information, announced Wednesday, was the first cheerful word received by the flood-besieged residents for more than a week. The decline, however, will be a slow process estimated to require about a week.

The river was stationary from eleven o'clock Wednesday morning until five o'clock Thursday morning, when it started falling. By eight o'clock that morning it had receded .68 of a foot. The rate of fall is expected to increase today.

At its crest, reached Wednesday, the Ohio river was more than 17 feet above flood stage at Lock 28 apposite Westmoreland. The reading was 67.03 feet there and 69.01 at the foot of tenth street, Huntington.

The present flood is more thar two feet above the stage reached in 1913. Although statistics show the 1913 stage was 68 feet, markings made in concrete at Westmoreland showing the extent of the flood then have been covered by more than two feet of water in the present flood.

Desolate as present scenes are, even worse conditions will be revealed when the flood waters recede.

Westmoreland, Ceredo and Kenova were hit harder than Huntington by the flood. Not more than a third of the normal population of Ceredo and Kenova were in the towns Tuesday night. Residents were taken to Wayne, Williamson, Charleston and Bluefield. The towns were in a desperate plight with the gas and water systems being out of commission. The food supply has been adequate so far but more boats are needed.

More than half of Kenova is under water.

Every home in Ceredo is flooded with one single exception, that being the brick home of W. A. Ramsdell.

A few homes on Piedmont road were the only ones to escape the flood waters at Westmoreland, it was reported here Wednesday by Jack Osburn.

Business is at a standstill as all available man power has been mobilized for flood relief work.

Some citizens who continued to reside in their flooded homes were ordered to evacuate them because of the danger from houses and other large objects floating down the river.

Hundreds of homes in the flooded section have shifted from their foundations. Some have turned over. Others have floated considerable distances and lodged against more substantial structures. Automobiles which owners had driven to what they thought were places of safety beyond the reach of the river are submerged to their tops in numbers impossible to estimate.

Col. W. T. Lovins, well known Wayne county man but now of Huntington, took an important part in relief activities there as chairman of the flood relief organization. During the height of the flood he made a trip from Huntington to Kenova on a coast guard cutter and found scenes of utter desolation and despair all along the way. He was accompanied by Col. P. D. Shingleton, head of the state police, and coast guardsmen.

Every other house or so had men, women and children, cats and dogs huddled together on second and third floors, and many of them refused to leave their homes even under such threatening conditions as that in which they were living.

In some sections of the towns the water is of such height that those in the boat found it necessary to crouch low to avoid being struck by trolley wires and other overhead obstructions.

After the trip Col. Shingleton said he was horror-stricken at the sights he witnessed. "The most horrible thing I have ever locked upon in my whole life," was his reaction.

Hundreds of Kenova flood refugees have been evacuated en masse. Relief centers were established in the Knights of Pythias hall and other places and all of them are filled with men, women and children. Officials said conditions were as satisfactory as could be expected. Kenova's water simply was turned off Monday morning when the river floated several houses in the residential section, thereby breaking the water mains in several places. Barrels of water were placed throughout the town and a preparation to purify the water was being used. Mayor J. T. Hereford, Jr., said that wells owned by the Kenova Hardwood and Flooring company and the Breece Veneer company were furnishing the drinking water. The work of transporting refugees to relief headquarters was aided by the arrival of a coast guard cutter, four state troopers and a smoothly working organization which kept boats stationed at each intersection in the flood area.

The furniture in many homes has been damaged or destroyed entirely. These include pianos, refrigerators and other heavy objects which could not be moved because of a lack of man power. In some instances furniture was placed where the owners thought they would be safe from the flood but were subsequently covered because of continued rises in the river.

A large portion of the Huntington business district is under water. The flood crept over Fourth avenue, in the heart of the business district and was threatening to invade Fifth avenue at Tenth street when the river became stationary. The eastern and western ends of Fifth avenue were covered with several feet of water.

Many Huntington stores were protected from the water by barricades consisting of boards caulked with tar and supported by sand bags. This method of keeping out water was successful on the whole, but in many instances the flood exceeded the height of the barricades and water flowed over the top of them into business buildings. Some barricades were broken through by the terrific force of the water. It was reported here that the basements of some business buildings had also caved in.

Nearly all merchants of Huntington had moved their stocks to upper stories in time to save them from damage. Windows in many business buildings were broken.

Huntington has been an island for several days. The railroad underpasses to the south side have been blocked by water backing up through sewers. The Wayne roads at the Huntington city limits are also covered with several feet of water backed up in Fourpole creek. This week, however, it has been possible to reach Huntington from here by traveling over a dirt road through Booton and Bowen and connecting with Sixteenth street road, a route muddy in spots but passable.

Utility services, including lights, gas and telephone, have been maintained in those parts of Huntington not coverred by water and this has served to reduce the suffering.

Only one drowning has resulted there.

River readings opposite Westmoreland during past floods include the following:

February 17, 1832 61.8

December 18, 1847 61.1

February 12, 1884 66.3

January 20, 1907 61.0

March 31, 1913 * 68.0

March 1936 56.85

*Residents of Westmoreland, however, challenge this reading which indicates that the 1913 flood exceeded the present reading of 67.03. Many old timers in that section made markings in the concrete sidewalk indicating the highest point of the 1913 flood and report that these markings are covered with two feet or more of water at the present time.

Many heroic deeds have been reported involving risk of life in rescuing trapped persons from the flood. At Russell, Ky., two boys were rescued from the top of a house floating down the surging Ohio river. It was also reported here that boatmen chopped thru the roof of a house floating down the river at Kenova and rescued some children who were huddled in the attic for safety.

A further description of the extent of the flood in Kenova was obtained from J. G. Lambert, county clerk, when he arrived here Wednesday. He estimated that 500 of the 700 homes in Kenova are flooded. Mr. Lambert said the homes of the following areas were safe: On upper side of Chestnut street from 21st to 11th street and on the lower side from 21st to 15th street; on Poplar street, upper side, from 17th to 21st and lower side, 19th to 21st; on Pine street, from 20th to 12th and from 11th to 9th; and a few homes on Maple street. All other sections are flooded and it is the first time that all of Oak, Walnut and Beech streets have been covered by flood waters, Mr. Lambert said.

Mr. Lambert denied that gas service had been interrupted in Kenova. All homes in dry territory, extending west from 13th street, are still being supplied with gas, he said.

Other Flood Scenes

At Louisville, Ky., more than 200 deaths have occurred, all attributed to the flood, and twenty bodies were found floating in the water there. It is estimated more than 300,000 are homeless in Kentucky. Catlettsburg and Ashland are suffering their worst floods in history.

For the first time in 24 years flood waters invaded Portsmouth, Ohio. Conditions there are horrible.

The total made homeless in the entire Ohio river valley is estimated to be about 700,000. States affected are West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennslyvania, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri and Arkansas. The flood is raging into the Mississippi river.

Persons coming from Ceredo Wayne to by train described the horrible scene of desolation at Brownstown, Ceredo suburb. Many houses are turned over on their sides ald twisted out of shape, and some are anchored to trees by ropes tied to the roofs of the houses to keep them from floating away.

The Baptist church on Buffalo is also flooded it was reported.


Among those finally driven from their homes at Ceredo by the flood was that veteran legislator, James O. Marcum, one of the representatives of Wayne county in the house of delegates. He graphically describes how the waters of the Ohio first covered the highway in front of his house; of how over night it crept upward and began lapping at his front door; of how he propped up the family piano on metal drums and the dining room furniture on chairs; of the startling effect of hearing the piano topple over as it began to float; of existing on toast and coffee, cooked on an electric toaster after the gas went off; of the suspension of telephone communication and all water service; of the long nightly vigils, warmed only by the heat from the electric toaster until at last he and his wife were driven from their home when the water reached the third stair from the second floor and when they were rescued by a coast guard boat.

Words of praise have been spoken by Representative Marcum of how the homes at Wayne and other places were thrown open to all comers and of how happy it made the refugees to eat a square meal on dry land. Representative Marcum mentioned particularly the generous spirit of former Sheriff J. Fox Fry who threw his home open to so many people stranded by the flood and who not only contributed of his means to the general relief fund but fed a countless number of people.

The thing which impressed Mr. Marcum above all other things was the neighborly spirit shown by those more fortunate than to be caught in the grip of the flood.

During the flood at Westmoreland several persons established a boat station and operated boats from that point to rescue stranded families from second stories and house tops of their homes. To them came Kelly Fry, who said he had a large quantity of fresh meat and other foodstuffs in his home on Alabama street and that if he could take one of the boats he would go to his home, get these supplies and take it to families who needed it. Although there was urgent need for boats to be used in rescue work, it was agreed that Mr. Fry's mission was a worthy one and he was given a boat and set out in it for his home. Those remaining at the boat station waited as the minutes passed away, then an hour, an hour and a half, and grew restless when Mr. Fry still failed to return. What could he be doing to keep the boat away from the rescue station so long, they wonder. Finally Mr Fry returned after being absent about two hours, and was met by a battery of questions as to why he had kept the boat so long and what he had been doing. His answer, however, revealed that while attempting to help others tragedy had also overtaken him. He told his questioners that the reason he had been gone so long was that he couldn't find his house. It had floated away about three blocks and turned over with its full cargo of furniture and the food provisions he meant to divide with those needing it.

"We'll call him Noah because he survived the flood," said Mr. and Mrs. Carson Haley, Kenova flood refugees, Saturday in naming a son born to them Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 27, at four o'clock in the Kenova flood relief hospital when the Ohio river there was at its crest.

"We think it's a very fitting name," they added.

Young Noah was born at the hospital hastily established on the second floor of the Knights of Pythias building, even as flood waters surged around the base of the structure and first floor. Assisting were Dr. E. M. Bond and Miss Ethel Hardwick, a nurse. The infant weighted seven pounds at birth and is gaining each day. Mrs. Haley is doing nicely.

Woodrow Brumfield, of Wayne, owns a house on Auburn road, Westmoreland, a section where much destruction was caused by the flood. The Brumfield house, like so many others, was flooded. This gave Hardin Workman a chance to indulge in a little kidding so he asked Woodrow if he wanted to sell his house and whether the price would be by the foot or gallon! Woodrow opined he could make more out of the deal by selling the house by the gallon.

There is one charitable phase to the flood which has been overlooked. While the flood carried away much property, in many instances it deposited this property on someone's doorstep, thus contributing something to the possessions of the lucky persons, although the contributions are of doubtful value to say the least.

In this connection Sheriff C. L. Booton said when he visited his home after the flood he found a strange chair on his front porch.

Max Lester said a small house from some unknown part landed in front of his house, almost on the Lester lot.

John Workman, of Huntington, lost a garage but a small cottage came floating down to take its place.

The prize winner, however, seems to be Jess Hensley, a Huntington fireman. The flood washed away Mr. Hensley's house but nature tried to make up to him as a total of four stray houses came floating down Mr. Hensley's way and came to rest on his lot. Perhaps he'll be ahead if the owner of these houses don't come after them.

(WCN - 2/19/1937) Fort Gay To Hold Second Election On Improvement


Efforts of the town of Fort Gay to issue $6,000 in bonds to match $24,988 of WPA funds for construction of a sanitary sewer system having been upset by a ruling of the state tax commissioner, after the proposal had been approved by citizens of the town at a special election held January 9, a second election on the question will be held March 13, it was decided at a meeting of the Fort Gay council Friday.

The tax commissioner ruled that rates of taxation originally proposed to be levied upon Fort Gay property for the purpose of providing a fund for payment of the interest and principal of the bonds exceeded the levies permissible under the tax limitation amendment, consequently it was necessary to revise the rates downward. This step also made necessary the changing of the maturity period of the bonds from ten to twenty years.

The proposal as revised includes the following rates of taxation per $100 valuation of property; 3 3-4 cents on class one property; 7 1-2 cents on class two property; 13 cents on class four property. These proposed rates replace the original schedule of five cents on class one, ten cents on class two and twenty cents on class four.

Also under the new arrangement, the maturity date of the bonds will extend until 1957 instead of 1947 as originally provided.

At the first election held January 9, the citizens of Fort Gay favored the issuance of the bonds by the overwhelming vote of 216 to 21, which far exceeded the requirement that it be approved by 60 per cent of the total number of votes cast.

Election officers for the March 13 election have been appointed by the Fort Gay council as follows:

Ailene West, Gladys Peters and C. C. New, commissioners, W. C. Lovely and W. a Frasher, clerks.

Fort Gay municipal officials are W. H. Kirkpatrick, mayor; L. L. Lycan, recorder; Lys Fluty, W. D. Borders, L. T. Ailiff, Iliif West and Chas. Frasher, councilmen.



Members of Wayne Post No. 119, American Legion, took steps last week to reorganize the Wayne boy scout troop and make it an active organization once again. The efforts to revive scouting here were being pushed as scouts throughout the world observed the 27th anniversary of the founding of the movement.

After the executive committee of the local legion post had voted Tuesday night of this week to accept the suggestion made by Judge Charles W. Ferguson, boy scout committeeman, that the legionnaires sponsor the local scout troop, a meeting was called for Saturday night, Feb. 20, at 7:31 o'clock in the court house, at which time it is believed all the preliminary arrangements will be completed to launch Wayne Troop No. 1, the name by which the organization will be designated, on its official career. At the present time the troop has 16 paid up members.

Saturday night's meeting will be in charge of the boy scout committee of the local legion post.

The legion's sponsorship of the scout troop was approved by the legion's executive committee, composed of S. F. Leichner, M. J. Robinett, Charles Queen, Carl Spurlock, W. M. Garrison, C. F. Allen, Carl Booton and R. A. Ramey. On the legion boy scout committee are Mr. Robinett, W. Earl Burgess and O. C. Allen.

It was reported here that new scout troops are being organized at Neal, Lavalette and Crum and that this county would perfect its own scout setup.



Machinery was set in motion this week to hasten the opening of three Wayne county schools still closed because of the recent flood. Repair work was started at Kenova graded school and Ceredo-Kenova high school Wednesday morning, under WPA supervision, and that agency informed the board of educaton that repairs to Vinson high school would begin next week.

Under a rule of the WPA permitting state offices to approve flood relief projects costing less than $5,000, officials have been able to speed up this work on the damaged school buildings. M. J. Robinett, county superintendent, had the honor of obtaining approval of the first project to be authorized under this program. As a result, workmen were put to work Wednesday reflooring the Kenova graded building and a gym at Ceredo-Kenova high school. Repairs to Vinson high school and Kellogg school will be undertaken next. WPA approved an appropriation of $4,508 to repair Kenova graded school and $4,946 for Ceredo-Kenova high school repairs.

Vinson high school resumed sessions last week. Other schools will reopen as soon as sanitary requirements are met, and thereafter until the repairs to the buildings have been completed the schools will probably hold sessions on a part-time basis, especially at Kenova graded school. The work is expected to require three weeks.

Other WPA projects to repair damages in Wayne county have been announced as follows:

Kenova city Hall, $1,313; Kenova streets, $4,969; repairs at the Jordan creek fill, $11,000; Ceredo town hall, $2,100; repair to state route No. 7 from Kenova to Prichard, $10,168.

Other School Repairs

Flood-damaged schools are not the only ones in the county which will be repaired, as arrangements have been made between the board of education and WPA to make all needed repairs in all parts of the county, as soon as the emergency repair work has been completed.

At the present time work is in progress in Stonewall district, with 13 men employed, and in Grant district where 12 men are employed. Work will also be done in Butler, Union, Lincoln, Ceredo and Westmoreland districts and will include painting of school buildings as soon as the season permits. The board of education at its meeting here Tuesday accepted the low bid of the Porter Paint company, of Louisville, its price being $1.75 per gallon on 50 gallon lots. About 200 school buildings will be painted, approximately 55 of these being in Lincoln district, it was stated by J. T. Lambert, president of the board.

All labor and supervision will be employed and paid by WPA, except one-fourth of the engineering cost, which will be paid by the board. Merle Stephenson has been hired by the board as engineer on the school repair projects at a salary of $80 per month. He is associated with the Acme Construction company, of Huntington. In order to obtain this repair work the board is required to furnish $1 to every $3 furnished by WPA.

Basil Burgess, of Wayne, will supervise the work in Stonewall, Grant, Butler, Lincoln and Union districts while the work in Ceredo and Westmoreland districts will be in charge of Mr. Bailey.



A program consisting of an old-time minstrel act and ten other vaudeville acts with music, singing, tap dancing, monologues, acrobatic stunts, magic and other novelty entertainment will be given at Wayne County High school auditorium this Friday night, March 5, at 7:30 o'clock under the auspices of the American Legion post No. 119.

A local orchestra will furnish music.

The program for the entertainment has been arranged in the following order:

Adkins string band and their novelty music; fun for all, by Raleigh Adkins; a unique duet, Wallace Frazier and James Franklin Scaggs; Rheuben's guitar, by Gene Booth and others; Sherman McCoy and his string band; radio numbers, James Franklin Scaggs; a monologue, Miss Julia Lambert; popular song hits, Mrs. Garnet Childers; tap dancing and acrobatic stunts by the Thompson twins; "Marriage and After," by James Calvin Lambert.

The old time minstrel act will show a court room scene where Samuel Snitchem, played by Carl Booton, is being tried for stealing seven dozen doughnuts. Other characters in this act are:

Judge Wrong, and usually is, Roscoe Horn; Stump, the prosecuting attorney, C. F. Allen; Rumpus, lawyer for the defense, Carl Spurlock; Fuzzle, the sheriff, Oscar Allen; Florantina Snitchem, Sam's wife, Victor Adkins; Olive Green, a vamp, R. A. (Bob) Ramey; members of the jury, Tolbert Johnson, James Calvin Lambert, Amos Stowasser, Floyd Smith, Charlie Queen and Leo Blevins.

Wm. M. Garrison is directing the minstrel.

Friday night's program will take the place of the one cancelled a few weeks ago on account of the flood. It is a benefit performance and the public is invited. Tickets are on sale by members of the legion post and legion auxiliary. The admission is 10 and 20 cents.



A slight earth disturbance shook homes and routed families from their beds here early Tuesday morning, March 9, 1937, but did not cause any damage.

Several local persons report they were awakened by the earth tremors at 12:44 o'clock Tuesday morning. The tremors lasted several seconds.

Among those who reported being awakened by the tremors were Mrs. Laura J. Dean, Miss Tokey Sansom, Mrs. W. B. Bias, and Mrs. T. B. Ferguson. They reported their homes were jarred and thought someone was trying to break into them.

Many persons declared Tuesday morning's earthquake was the strongest ever to affect Wayne county. Similar tremors were felt here three years ago but they were not as strong as the shaking experienced this week.

A majority of the local citizens were unaware that the shaking had taken place until they were informed of it the next morning, as it had not awakened them. Others who felt the shock attributed it to other causes and consequently the disturbance did not create any great excitement here.



The CCC camp located near Wilsondale will be abandoned April 5, according to a report received here this week.

Although officers at the camp have not yet received their moving orders nor any other official notification of the closing a the camp, it was learned that these notices are expected to be received within the next few days. It was explained, however, that the supervisory staff at the camp will not regard the closing as official until definite orders are received to that effect from army headquarters at Charleston.

Approximately 150 CCC youths are enrolled at the camp at the present time. When it is closed they will be transferred to other camps, it is believed. The buildings will be turned over to the department of agriculture but what disposition will be made of them is not known here.

The Wilsondale camp is located on the state forest which is being developed as a game refuge and recreation center. Another CCC camp is also maintained on the same tract. This camp is located near Missouri Branch and will be continued, it was said.

Officers at the Wilsondale camp are Capt. G. H. Kyle, Lieutenant Basil G. Lilly and A. A. Price, superintendent.



Officers believe they have eliminated the source of much "moonshine" whiskey by the capture of three stills in a wooded section of Wayne county near Harveytown, Cabell county.

The raid, led by Sheriff C. L. Booton, also resulted in the arrest of four persons and the confiscation of 350 gallons of mash and 18 1-2 gallons of liquor. The officers said two gallons of liquor were found in the home of Mrs. Tooley and she was charged with its possession, along with Willie Gibson and Hays Mayo. A possession charge was also lodged against Pearley Simmons, in whose yard a half gallon was found, officers said.

The four persons were arrested and placed in the county jail here, to await preliminary hearing. At the hearing before Squire Ward, Westmoreland, Willie Gibson claimed ownership of the liquor found in the Tooley home, and was sentenced to 60 days in jail and fined $100. Mayo and the Tooley woman were released and Simmons will be tried later on a charge of operating a still.

The three stills were found in separate locations in the woods. One had a capacity of fifty gallons, another of twenty gallons and the third was destroyed without an estimate being placed on its size. The stills were copper outfits and one of them was still warm from being operated a short time prior to the raid. It is believed a hard rain the preceding night had momentarily curtailed the operations of the illicit outfit. The raid was made about 7:30 o'clock one morning last week. Two of the stills were brought to the sheriff's office here, and samples of the mash and liquor were taken, the remainder being destroyed.

Taking part in the raid, in addition to Sheriff Booten were Deputy Sheriffs Oscar Allen, E. D. Bunn and Fred Perry; Corp. R. C. Dilley and B. Langford, of the state police, and about six federal agents. The raiding party split into groups and conducted raids simultaneously at four places.



A baseball league is being organized in Wayne county, and sponsors hope to have at least six teams entered before the deadline May 1.

At a preliminary meeting held here Monday night, three teams definitely entered the league. They will represent Louisa, Fort Gay and Wayne. Invitations are also being mailed to Ceredo, Kenova, Kermit, Crum, Prichard and Fallsburg, Ky., and it is believed practically all of these towns will be represented in the league.

J. T. Lambert, of Wayne, was elected president of the league at the meeting here Monday. He was not consulted about this action beforehand, but has served in that capacity heretofore and is recognized as an outstanding favorite for the position of the "Judge Landis " of Wayne county baseball. Other necessary officials will be designated later. It was decided to permit each team to select an umpire and the visiting arbiter will act as head umpire at each game. Each team will be limited to its own home talent in the choice of players and will not be permitted to use players from outside its own territory. The player limit for each club has been tentatively set at 15.

Final arrangements, including the schedule of games, will be worked out at a meeting of the league to be held here Sunday afternoon, May 2, when the numerical strength of the circuit will be definitely known.

Announcement of the formation of the league will be the incentive to cause many old-timers in baseball to come out of retirement and start limbering up their stiff joints and muscles along with the younger fellows who are still making their record in the national pastime. Wayne plans to enter a strong team in the league, according to local baseball enthusiasts.



The board of education at a special meeting one day last week voted to lease the People's State bank building for office quarters and storage purposes, effective July 1.

Also included in the agreement is a two-year purchase option, which gives the board the right to purchase the building anytime within that period at the price of $12,000. Should the board exercise its purchase option any lease money paid on the building would apply on the purchase price.

The board gave its president, J. T. Lambert, authority to sign the necessary papers in connection with the agreement, which was made with F. O. Lamb, receiver for the People's State bank. It is expected the necessary papers will be signed within a few days.

The first floor of the building would be used as office quarters for the county superintendent and his staff, and the basement for the storage of school supplies. Office rooms on the second floor would probably be rented, although it was stated the board had made no definite decision on this matter.

At the present time the first floor and basement of the bank building are used by the Wayne county department of public assistance as its headquarters, and the board of education offices are located in the basement of the court house. It is not known where the public assistance offices will he located after July 1.



Presentation of the play, "Annie Laurie", by members of the senior class on May 20 and 21 will open

the commencement calendar at Wayne County high school, it was announced this week by school officials.

The cast for the play was chosen last week by Mrs. Ernestine Jones and Miss Opal Fraley from among a large number of applicants, the parts being assigned as follows:

Lyle Fraley as Sir Robert Laurie, Mable Porter as Annie Laurie, Mary Leichner as Jeanie Maclaren, Fred Ferguson as Lord Ferguson, Willa Mae Ross as Lady Carlyle, James Moore as Douglas, Phil Ketchum as Donald Gregory, Vivian Porter as Lady Scott, Scott Mullens as Lord Bruce, Doris Saunders as Lady Bruce, Joseph Thompson as Rev. Wallace, Thelma Chaffins as Mother Mackintosh, Dorothy Horn as Ramsey, Marie Perdue as Mag and Robert Ramey as Sandy.

Other events on the graduation calendar here are as follows:

Junior-senior banquet, May 22; baccalaureate sermon, May 23; farewell assembly program by senior class, May 26; commencement, May 27.

It is not definitely known who will deliver the sermon and commencement address.



W. Earl Burgess, Wayne attorney, and Dr. S. J. Ferguson, also of Wayne, have purchased a lot near the former's office from the People's State bank and plan to erect an office building on it this summer.

The lot, 50 by 50 feet in size, fronts on the state highway opposite the Dr. Glen Johnson residence. The building which Mr. Burgess and Dr. Ferguson expect to construct this summer will be made of brick and will be modern in every respect, and will include offices for both the attorney and the physician.

The deal for the lot was made with F. O. Lamb, receiver of the People's State bank.

(WCN - 4/30/1937) Historic Markers Will Be Erected

Eight historic and scenic markers will be placed along highways in Wayne county in the near future, according to announcement by the state road commission.

The markers will give brief reviews of historic events and call attention to outstanding points, such as scenery, forts, and state, county and municipal lines.

The WPA conducted most of the research and compilation of the historical data and the markers will be erected by the state road commission, which will also take over landscaping of the areas, maintenance and replacement.



A familiar landmark here for many years, the old Oakview academy building at Wayne will soon pass from the scene.

The building has been purchased by Oscar Watts, member of the county court, who plans to wreck the structure and use the lumber in constructing a new dwelling house for his family, probably at Westmoreland. Mr . Watts acquired the building from Mabel and Emma Myers, sisters, of Huntington, and although the structure is in a state of disrepair it still contains much usable lumber.

Oakview academy was founded by the late Prof. T. B. McClure in 1882 and for 35 years he helped shape the early educational training of hundreds of young men and women of this section, many of whom became outstanding leaders in their chosen professions. The master of Oakview academy became nationally famous as an educator. He taught his last term of school at Oakview in 1917, and then spent his last teaching years at Wayne County high school, which he helped establish.

The building was used only for a short time after 1917 and for years has stood forlornly on the hillside above the town of Wayne, its crumbling foundation and general delapidated appearance affording a striking contrast to the lasting and enduring work of the academy's founder.



Pearl S. Buck is a famous writer who was born in West Virginia, a fact well known to many Wayne countians, but perhaps less known is the fact that Miss Virginia Sydenstricker, teacher in the local high school, is a cousin of the famous novelist.

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck was born at Hillsboro, Pocahontas county. Her father, Absalom Sydenstricker, was a missionary and she was taken to China when she was just a few months old. The years she spent in China gave her a keen insight into the Chinese mind and customs. "Good Earth", perhaps the most noted of her writings, deals with peasant life in China. Its sequel, "Sons," and "East Wind: West Wind," and "The Exile" are other Pearl Buck novels.

Miss Sydenstricker's father, J. C. Sydenstricker, is a cousin of Pearl Buck. Miss Sydenstricker's home is at Blanchester, Ohio, and she is completing her second year as a teacher here since graduating from Marshall college.



The town of Wayne now owns a city hall, but it is located in East Lynn and local officials are faced with the problem of moving it to a local site where it will be available as headquarters for municipal affairs.

The new Wayne city hall is the railroad station at East Lynn. The Norfolk and Western Railway company recently abandoned its agency at East Lynn and on Monday of this week the station was sold to the town of Wayne by S. F. Leichiner, local N. and W. agent, for the sum of $5. The building, worth much more than the price the town paid for it, is 12 feet wide, 20 feet long, with a metal roof. The building is constructed of heavy pine lumber and is divided into a large waiting room and a small office compartment. The Wayne council has long needed permanent quarters for its meetings and as a place to file city records, and the N. and W. building will meet this need adequately, municipal officials feel, if the building can be moved to Wayne without completely tearing it down.

Hauling the building to Wayne via railroad is out of the question, it was stated, as several cuts along the railroad are believed too narrow for the building to pass through. Whether the building can he hauled by truck over the highway, or whether it will be necessary to remove the roof and cut the building into two or three pieces and then reassemble them in Wayne, are possibilities being studied by Mayor Byron Smith. He is planning to send an expert or two to East Lynn to look over the building and see what can be done about moving it to Wayne.

Town officials will also have to locate a convenient spot for the building, but their immediate concern is moving the structure at a cost which the town can afford.

(WCN - 5/14/1937) Local Gas Plant Will Be Third Of Kind In Nation


The natural gas purification plant to be constructed near the mouth of Patrick creek, a short distance from here, by the Chartiers Oil company will be the third of its kind in the United States, according to an article in an eastern magazine which has a large circulation in business and financial districts. The article, which gives further information about the local development, is as fellows:

"The Chartiers Oil Co., Pittsburgh, has awarded contract for the construction of a natural gas Purification plant at Wayne, W. Va., to Koppers Co'.s engineering and construction division. The plant will employ the new Koppers sodium phenolate process, and will recover 95 per cent of the hydrogen sulfic in the gas. It will have a capacity of 5,000,000 cubic feet a day. Construction will begin in June, and the plant will be ready for operation by September.

"This will be the third plant to employ this new Koppers process. The first was erected last year for the Standard Oil Co., of California at El Sagundo. The second will be constructed this year for the Atlantic Refining Co., at Philadelphia."

The plant will be constructed at a cost of approximately $50,000, and will purify gas taken from five shut-in wells in that vicinity. Work of laying pipe lines from the wells to the proposed plant is expected to start within a few days.

(WCN - 5/21/1937) Highway Markers To Spot Local Points Of Interest

Historic markers to be placed in Wayne county by the state road commission and state publicity association in the near future will be inscribed with references to Gen. "Mad Anthony" Wayne's victory over the Indians in 1794; Eli Thayer of Massachusetts and his plan to create sentiment against slavery in western states; Abraham Trout, who established a mill here it 1828; and other points of historic interest in the county.

Seven markers will be erected in this county within about a month or six weeks. The markers are made of aluminum with black lettering. Throughout the state a total of 440 markers will be erected as part of a plan to preserve and point out to tourists and others the historic spots in the state.

The markers to be erected in Wayne county will be inscribed and located as follows:

Wayne-- "First called Trout's Hill for Abraham Trout, who established a mill here in 1828, which ran for a century. Large areas of this county were included in the land granted to John Savage and other veterans of the French and Indian war."

Fort Gay-- "Named during the war between the states. At the junction of the Tug and Big Sandy rivers, in 1789, Charles Vancouver and 10 companions built a log fort, and attempted a settlement on land surveyed in 1770 by John Fry for George Washington."

Ceredo-Kenova -- "Ceredo-- founded in 1857 by Eli Thayer of Massachusetts, an abolition leader, in his plan to create sentiment against slavery in western states. Kenova-- named for the meeting places of 3 states, Kentucky, Ohio and W. Va."

Wayne county, four markers to be erected bordering on Kentucky and Cabell county, one to be placed on Route 37, two on Route 60 and one on Route 52. The inscription about Wayne county will be as follows: "Formed in 1842 from Cabell. Named for Gen. 'Mad Anthony' Wayne, whose victory over the western Indians in 1794 at Fallen Timbers broke the Indian confederacy and removed the menace of the red men from western Virginia."

The inscription for the markers to be placed in towns will be identical for both sides of the marker. On the reverse side of the marker on the Kentucky border will be the following information about that state: "Named for the Kentucky river, bearing an Indian name, called the 'Dark and Bloody Ground.' Explored by Daniel Boone, 1769. Settled at Harrodsburg, 1774. It became a Virginia county in 1776 and was admitted to the union as state in 1792."

The inscription for Cabell county is as follows: "Formed in 1809 from Kanawha, originally included several of the present West Virginia counties. Named for William H. Cabell, Virginia governor, 1805-1808. Big Sandy river was the western end of the James river and Kanawha turnpike."



Seven attractive aluminum markers describing points of major interest along Wayne county's highways are in process of manufacture and will be erected by the Works Progress administration in cooperation with the state road commission when received, state WPA officials said today.

Compilation of data for the markers, 440 of which will be erected in West Virginia to attract tourists' attention to the state's historical lore and outstanding scenic beauty, as well as assure permanent preservation of much of its early history which might otherwise be lost, has provided employment to 150 professional workers removed from direct relief rolls by WPA.

Among the markers to be erected in Wayne county is that at Wayne, first called Trout's Hill for Abraham Trout, who established a mill there in 1828, which ran for a century. Large areas of the county were included in land granted to John Savage and other veterans of the French and Indian war; at Fort Gay, named during the war between the states; at Ceredo-Kenova, and at the Wayne county-Kentucky and at the Wayne-Cabell borders.

The markers will be of heavy aluminum, 49 inches wide and 33 inches high, with raised black lettering. Each will bear the state seal at the top, and eight lines of wording will describe the points designated.

Actual erection of the markers will be done by WPA workers under the supervision of the state road commission, sponsors of the WPA historic and scenic project. The road commission will have charge of maintenance of the markers, which will be erected in tiny, "pocket handkerchief" roadside parks.

For the convenience of tourists, a 240-page booklet outlining suggested tours will be distributed to the traveling public by the read commission.

Accompanying all the recommended road marker sites was a vast amount of material gathered by the 150 research workers employed on the WPA historic and scenic markers project. This material has been carefully preserved, one set of which will be filed in the state department of archives and history, another will go to the daughters of the American Revolution library at Washington, D. C., a third to West Virginia university, and a fourth will be filed in the county where it was compiled.



A Wayne High school band is being organized by H. L. Gregory, band instructor at Ceredo-Kenova and former teacher here.

Instructions are being given by Mr. Gregory at the high school here each Wednesday morning. All students who wish to become members of the band for the coming football season should see Mr. Gregory as soon as possible.

Present plans call for a 50-piece band here. There are several instruments at the school which can be loaned to pupils with their parents' consent, Mr. Gregory said. Members of the band will also be in line for the Wayne county band and will have the privilege of attending the state band festival next year.

"We need several boys to learn to play drums," Mr. Gregory said.

Commenting that it has been some time since Wayne has had a good band, Mr. Gregory said, "the time is now ripe for such an organization. We want all the good people of Wayne county behind this proposition and parents are requested to have their children join the hand or orchestra at once."



Work of constructing a natural gas purification plant and laying pipelines from gas wells to the plant is well underway in the Patrick creek section near Wayne. The Chartiers Oil company, of Pittsburgh, is promoting the development.

About 30 men are employed on the two phases of the project at the present time. About three miles of pipeline will be laid from two shut-in wells to the new plant, and one-fourth of this distance had been covered by Wednesday of this week.

The foundation for the building has already been laid and machinery is being installed this week. Contract for construction of the plant, third of its type in the world, has been let to the Koppers company.

Harold Williams is foreman of the pipeline work. Mr. Williams and his family, of Cambridge, O., are residing in the Mathews property on Keyser street for the duration of his work here.

The plant when completed will refine and market natural gas taken from wells in that vicinity.

Locations were made last week to drill two new wells in the county, one being on the Oliver Viers farm near the site of the Chartiers purification plant. The well will be drilled by the Chartiers company.

The other location for a new gas well was made last week by the Kentucky-West Virginia Gas company on the Lucian Lester farm on the waters of Beech Fork, Union district.



Two new buildings will be constructed in Wayne during the summer, one by Charles Solomon to provide larger quarters for his Wayne Cash Store and the other by L. W. and Everett Adkins, who announced this week they will open a general hardware store.

The Adkins brothers, sons of Kiah Adkins, have purchased the Dr. Glen Johnson property located in Spunky addition, consisting of a two-story residence and a large vacant lot located on the opposite side of Route 52 from the Kiah Adkins general store. The building which the Adkins brothers will erect on the vacant lot will be a one-store brick or tile structure 40 by 60 feet in which they will open a hardware store, probably within two months. Everett Adkins will he actively in charge of the store as his brother, L. W. Adkins, will continue to reside at Switzer for the present. Work of laying a concrete foundation for the new building will be started immediately, the Adkins brothers announced. The residence purchased from Dr. Johnson is occupied by Everett Adkins and family.

Mr. Solomon is constructing a building in Wayne on a lot adjoining the Raleigh Adkins barber shop. It will he a one-story building 25 by 70 feet with tile walls and brick front and when completed will be occupied by Mr. Solomon's store which is now located next door to the Pearley Booth restaurant across from the court house. Contract for construction of the building has been let to C. B. Watts, of Huntington. Work of excavating for the foundation has already been started. Mr. Solomon has been in business here several years.



A petition asking that the village of Crum be granted a charter of incorporation was rejected in circuit court Monday by Judge C. W. Ferguson, who sustained a motion by opponents of the movement that sufficient notice had not been given.

The hearing was not held on the merits of the question but was confined to the question of whether the petition should be received and filed. Objection to the filing of the petition was voiced by W. K. Cowden, attorney for opponents of the movement.

Proponents of the movement to incorporate Crum said they will not abandon their efforts but will plan a new election on the issue and will ask the court to approve October 2 as the election date. Should the voters again approve the proposition, another petition for a charter will be presented in circuit court.

R. L. Carter, Jesse Parsley, Jr., and J. B. Crum, Jr., signed the petition as sponsors of the movement to incorporate. At the hearing Monday they were represented by J. T. Lambert of Wayne.



A funeral home will be constructed on the site of the old R. Booton residence property in Spunky addition to Wayne, it was announced this week by Mr. Booton, local undertaker.

The former Booton residence is being torn down to make way for the new funeral parlor. The services of a licensed undertaker and embalmer will be secured when the funeral home is completed, it was stated.

The residence which the Booton family occupied for about 23 years until constructing a new home recently is one of the oldest structures here. It was built before the Cvil war by Peter Moore and later remodeled and enlarged by Matt Napier. Studding in the building extended from the ground floor to the top of the house, taking in both stories in contrast to present-day methods of using studding of only one-story length. The corner studding, eight inches square, were mortised and fastened to the sill and joist with wooden pegs, a building method widely used many years ago. It was one of the first houses built in this section and its demolition removes a familiar local landmark.



An application for incorporation of the town of Crum has been filed in circuit court by R. L. Carter, Jesse J. Parsley and J. B. Crum, Jr., sponsors of the movement. The application was received by the court and a hearing will be held on the question should anyone move at any time that the cause be dismissed.

This is the second attempt of the Crum group to incorporate their town, a previous application for a charter having been denied on motion of attorneys representing several persons and interests opposed to the movement.

The next step in the movement will be an election on the question to be held at Crum October 2. If the proposal carries it will then be argued in circuit court by the opposing sides.

(WCN - 9/10/1937) New Wayne Store Opens Sept. 15th

The Adkins Hardware and Home Equipment company will be opened for business September 15, 1937, in a new store building constructed in Spunky addition to Wayne, it was announced this week by Everett and Lonnie Adkins, brothers, who are partners in the new concern. The opening is announced in an advertisement appearing in this issue.

The building is a two-story tile structure completed a few days ago. Everett Adkins will be actively in charge of the new store, which will handle a general line of hardware and furniture. Everett and Lonnie Adkins are sons of Kiah Adkins, local merchant.



The eighty-fourth session of the Western Virginia conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, opened Wednesday evening at the Johnson Memorial church in Huntington.

Bishop Arthur Moore of San Antonio, Tex., will preside at all sessions of the conference, which will continue through Sunday.

Attending from Wayne are Rev. C. D. Harsh, clerical delegate, and Judge C. W. Ferguson, lay delegate. With other delegates they will vote on the question of acceptance or rejection of a plan of unification of the three branches of Methodism, the Methodist Episcopal, the Southern Methodist and the Protestant Methodist. Both Rev. Harsh and Judge Ferguson said they will vote in favor of unification.

The conference will elect eight delegates, four ministers and four laymen, to represent the conference at the general conference in April in Birmingham, Ala. Judge Ferguson was one of the delegates to the general conference four years ago.

Appointment of ministers to the various pastorates of the conference will be announced Sunday morning.

Attending the conference are 125 ministers and fifty-seven laymen as delegates.



From 3,000 to 5,000 persons are expected to attend the annual Wayne county singing convention to be held in the court house at Wayne Sunday.

The singing will begin about 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning and continue all day. Some of the outstanding choirs and quartets in the tri-state area are expected to appear on the program. Ervin Blankenship will preside as chairman.

All necessary arrangements in connection with the holding of the convention have been completed, Mr. Blankenship said. Amplifiers will be installed early Sunday morning so that the singing may be heard on the court house lawn and in other sections of town.

Cash prizes will be awarded as follows:

Five dollars to the quartet traveling farthest to the convention; $5 to the quartet whose members have been singing together longest; $2.50 to the largest family attending; $1 each to the eldest man and oldest woman present.

Singers from Wayne, Logan, Mingo, Putnam, Cabell and Lincoln counties and from points in Kentucky and Ohio are expected to attend. One of the best conventions ever held is in prospect.

The singing convention is an annual event and has become one of the largest gatherings of its type in the state.

Other officers of the singer's association, in addition to Mr. Blankenship, are R. P. Booton, secretary, and Lee Osburn, treasurer.



Officers of Wayne Post 119, American Legion, were installed last Thursday night with Major Francis W. Turner, state commander, in charge of the public ceremony held in the court house auditorium.

Commander Turner declared American Legion members favor peace for America in the troubled international situation, but not "peace at any price."

"Legionnaires, who went thru the last war, know what it is and have no wish to see America embroiled in another war," Maj. Turner added. "They favor peace, especially since the Sons of the Legion will have to fight Americas next war. Although Legionnaires favor peace, they do not want peace at any price. The Legion advocates preparedness, so that the United States will be able to defend itself in a national emergency."

A large percentage of the local post's membership and a representative gathering of local citizens were on hand to hear Major Turner's address and to witness the installation of the following officers of the post:

S. F. Leichner, commander; Amos Stowasser, vice commander; Graton Holt, first vice commander; O. C. Allen, second vice commander; Wm. M. Garrison, adjutant; W. V. Stanley, vice adjutant; Victor Adkins, finance officer; Wm. Dixon, service officer; M. J. Robinett, child welfare officer; C. F. Allen, chaplain; Tolbert Johnson, sergeant-at-arms; R. A. Ramey and Walter Ross, color bearers; Carl Spurlock, athletic officer; Carl Booton, Carl Spurlock, O. C. Allen and W. V. Stanley, executive committee.

Other out-of-town legion officials attending the ceremony were Charles E. Booth, of Huntington, past state commander; Walter Arnold, past commander of the Huntington post, and Homer Peyton, newly-elected commander at Huntington.

A banquet was held at Welcome Inn following the installation services. The visiting legionnaires and W. O. Dower, director of the county public assistance department were guests of the Wayne post at the banquet.

Commander Leichner stated this week that the membership drive of the local post will be well launched by Friday and that all old members are expected to renew their memberships by October 1.



A second election will he held at Crum Saturday, Oct. 2, for the purpose of ascertaining whether citizens of that town wish to have it incorporated.

At a previous election the question of incorporating the town carried by a substantial majority, but the petition for a charter from the circuit court of Wayne county was dismissed on the grounds that opponents of the movement had not received sufficient notice.

Sponsors of the movement to incorporate are Jesse J. Parsley, R. L. Carter and J. B. Crum, Jr. The proposition was opposed at the last election by the Norfolk and Western Railway company and several other large taxpayers.



Kiah Adkins, local merchant, has been appointed supervisor of all WPA work projects in Wayne county and assumed his new duties last Saturday.

In this position Mr. Adkins will supervise the various road projects now being worked in the county by the WPA, including the work on Tom's creek, White's creek, Beech Fork and Fort Gay. He succeeds James K. Kelley, of Kenova, who has served for several months in that capacity. Mr. Adkins is next in rank to W. E. Dougher, WPA engineer for county.

Another change in WPA personnel in Wayne county was effected when H. F. Fry, former county superintendent of schools and former teacher, was appointed to succeed A. T. Clark, of East Lynn, as foreman of the WPA school repair projects in Lincoln, Union, Stonewall and Grant districts. Work of repairing and painting the schools in Stonewall district has been completed and is now in progress in Lincoln district. These projects were started in all parts ef the county with James M. Bailey, of Kenova, as supervisor. The WPA and the Wayne county school board are financing the work.

Bill Moore, of White's Creek, who was foreman on the Beech Fork road project, has been succeeded by Minnis Adkins, it was reported here Tuesday.

Gravel is now being placed on the Beech Fork road from Bowen to East Lynn, with work in progress near the mouth of Price's creek at the present time. A steam shovel is being used to load trucks with gravel for use on this road, which has already been provided with a rock base.



Pastors were assigned for the ensuing year at the closing session of the Methodist Episcopal conference held in Clarksburg last week.

The following will serve as pastors of M. E. churches in Wayne county:

Rev. W. C. Strohmeyer, Ceredo; Rev. Samuel Wellman, Fort Gay; Rev. C. C. Yates, Kenova; Rev. L. F. Hayden, Lavalette. Rev. Wellman succeeds Rev. Tooley at Fort Gay. Dr. M. C. Miles was continued as district superintendent.

The conference approved the appointment of committees to make up two major studies. The first called for a survey of the decrease in attendance within the church, and the second requested a study of the possibility of establishing a minimum $1,200 salary for the pastors.



Relocation of U. S. Route 52 between Wayne and Echo is one of the projects now being considered under the construction program of the state road commission, it was announced yesterday by E. N. Blackwood, construction engineer of the commission.

It has not been learned when the project will be undertaken but will probably be authorized this fall or next spring, according to reports received here.

The commission plans to use the right-of-way of the old N. and W. railroad for relocating the Wayne-Echo highway. The railroad was abandoned several years ago. The proposed relocation has already been surveyed. It was learned that the bridge at the mouth of Patrick creek will be widened as a part of the relocation project, and that test holes will be drilled there within the next few days to ascertain the type of foundation work necessary for the bridge widening project.

Mr. Blackwood said several plans of construction are being considered and it is not yet known what type surface will be used. The road had a blacktop surface but was badly broken by severe freezes during the winter of 1935-36, and most of the five-mile stretch is now covered only with gravel surface.

Twenty-two miles of Route 52 between Echo and the Mingo county line is being given surface treatment by the road commission, which started work on the improvement this week. The Echo-Fort Gay road is also being improved by the application of tar and limestone chips.



By a 26-vote majority, residents of Crum Saturday approved incorporation of their town for the second time and shortly will apply to the circuit court for a charter. Voting on the question was light, only 106 ballots being cast, of which sixty-six were officially reported in favor of the proposal and forty against.

At the first election on the question the proposal was approved by a vote of 76 to 33. The petition for a charter was dismissed by the circuit court on the grounds that opponents of the movement had not received sufficient notice.

J. T. Lambert, attorney for sponsors of the movement to incorporate Crum, said Tuesday that the second petition for a charter will be presented in circuit court for a hearing the first day of the November term, unless the judge can be present to hear the matter in vacation of court on November 8.

Members of the election commission at the election held in Crum Saturday were Johnson Queen. W. M. Romans and K. J. Pinson.



Members of the Kenova city council, at their meeting last Thursday night, decided to call an election on the question of levying increased taxes rather than adopt a proposed gross sales tax as a means of raising additional revenue for the city.

The question of the gross sales tax, which was scheduled to come up for action, was sidetracked in favor of a tax election. The alternative plan of holding an election was proposed by spokesmen for a large group of business men who attended the council meeting and expressed opposition to the proposed gross sales tax. If the increased levy is approved by the voters at an election to be called later, it will take the place of the gross sales tax and the latter question will remain on the shelf, it was said. Municipal leaders at Kenova state, however, that the council will be forced to resort to the sales tax unless some other source of revenue is found.

At the meeting Thursday night City Attorney M. J. Ferguson was instructed to draw up an order and the proper notices providing for the election, for presentation to the Kenova council for its action. The date for the election has not been decided yet. Mr. Ferguson said he would confer with the state tax commissioner before reducing the plan to writing.

Additional funds are needed at Kenova to finance the city's share of WPA street work and other projects and also to replace tax losses, chief of which was the taking over of the Catlettsburg-Kenova bridge by the state of Kentucky, thus transferring the bridge to the tax-free list.



Formation of a club which has for its aim the establishing of a high school at Crum was announced there today by sponsors of the movement.

The club, known as the Crum High School club, was organized last Friday with election of I. V. Perry as president, R. L. Carter as treasurer and J. B. Crum, Jr., secretary. A committee of five, consisting of C. F. Harris, Frank Marcum, J. B. Crum, Sr., George Brown and James Williamson was elected to assist the officers.

Resolutions setting forth the purposes of the club were adopted and signed by 195 voters and taxpayers, it was announced by Secretary Crum. The resolutions are in part as follows:

"Be it resolved, that this organization work for one thing only, that of obtaining a high school at Crum for Lincoln district, and for that purpose we bind ourselves together, and obligate ourselves both collectively and individually to use all honorable means to obtain a school which we should have had many years ago.

"Be it resolved, that this organization, through its officers and committees work and cooperate with the Wayne county board of education, the WPA and any other bodies or individuals that may be able to assist us in obtaining our high school building.

"Be it resolved, that we shall, both individually and collectively oppose the election of any candidate to office in Wayne county, who opposes this movement or any present office holder who is in a position to assist us in this great humanitarian movement, and refuses to act."

Copies of the resolutions were sent to the board of education and to Wayne County News, for publication.



Purchase of the closed People's State bank building and fixtures at Wayne by the Wayne County Bank was announced Wednesday by directors of the local institution. The consideration was $12,000.

The purchased property, now occupied by the department of public assistance, will be used as banking quarters for the Wayne County Bank, it was announced. The bank will take possession of the property December 1 and will move into it after several contemplated improvements and alterations have been effected.

Directors of the bank decided at a meeting Tuesday to buy the property, and authorized that a contract be drawn up between the bank and the receiver for the closed institution.

The department of public assistance will move to the county farm, members of the county court said. They disclosed that workmen will start immediately on redecorating and altering quarters on the second floor of the building which will be used as headquarters for the relief agency.

The board of education has under consideration a proposal to rent the present quarters of Wayne County Bank for office purposes, at $100 per month, with an option to purchase the property, in which case the rentals would apply on the purchase price of $6,000. The board, however, has received a legal opinion from F. F. Scaggs, assistant prosecuting attorney, in which Prosecutor D. B. Hardwick concurred, that it is without legal authority to buy property for any purpose other than school purposes.

The board has not reached a definite decision on the proposal, it was stated by Walter Staley, president.

The Peoples State Bonk building, a two-story brick structure with full size basement, was constructed in 1924-25 at a cost of $22,000. The building and banking fixtures were carried in a statement of the bank's financial condition at a value of $45,795,66 on August 3, 1933. After the bank was closed November 29, 1930, the building and fixtures were offered for sale at public auction and brought a top bid of only about $10,000, but this bid was rejected by the state banking department.

The bank building is equipped with modern banking fixtures throughout and has one of the best vaults in the state, according to local bankers. Office space will be rented on the second floor as at present, it was stated.

Sale of the building by the receiver of the Peoples State Bank will enable him to pay depositors of the closed bank a dividend ranging between 20 to 25 per cent and totaling from $13,500 to $16,900, according to unofficial information received by Wayne County News. In addition to the $12,000 received for the building, the closed bank has also sold recently a lot in Wayne to W. Earl Burgess and Dr. S. J. Ferguson, and sold last week to M. J. Ferguson a lot between the Hampton grocery and the Woman's club building. Proceeds of these sales, together with the funds on hand, will permit payment of the dividend, it was stated. Thus far the bank has paid depositors only five per cent dividend totaling $3,398. The bank also owns other property in Wayne and elsewhere in the county which is still to be liquidated.

Officers and directors of the Wayne County Bank are B. J. Prichard, president; W. H. Newhouse, vice president; Byron Smith, cashier and director; S. E. Adkins, assistant cashier; R. R. Rucker, Dr. A. G. Wilkinson, Dr. Glen Johnson and Mrs. B. J. Prichard, directors.



Work of constructing three one-room school buildings in Wayne county has been completed and the schools will open their doors for regular class sessions within a few days, it was stated yesterday by M. J. Robinett, county superintendent.

The school buildings were constructed at Jim's Branch, off Beech Fork; at Rich Creek and at Hooker Knob. They were constructed to replace buildings which were destroyed by fire at Jim's Branch and Hooker's Knob and one which was damaged by flood and abandoned at Rich Creek.

The buildings are of the portable type which can be easily moved to other locations if conditions should make that action desirable in the future. They have wooden frames, lining of celotex and metal roofs. The new structures and one new building constructed last year, together with two which were moved and remodeled, represent the entire school building program in Wayne county since 1933.



Employment for more than 1000 laborers will be furnished by work on the construction of a flood wall for Ceredo and Kenova, which will be started "as soon as these cities furnish the necessary rights-of-way," Major F. F. Frech, of the Huntington district United States engineers office, told Wayne County News Tuesday.

"We are anxious to begin work as soon as the cities furnish the rights-of-way," Major Frech said.

He added that Kenova officials had informed him they hope to obtain the necessary agreements within thirty days. Should one of the communities fail to meet requirements it will be omitted from the flood protection system, it was indicated.

The flood protection planned for Ceredo and Kenova will be a combined earthen embankment and concrete wall, said Major Frech, who explained that the type of soil at various points will determine which type of barrier will be erected. The wail is planned to provide protection at a stage three feet higher than the 1937 flood.

A total peak employment of about 1,150 men will be necessary for construction of the flood wall in Wayne county. About ninety-five per cent of these laborers will be obtained through relief rolls.

Location of the proposed wall was outlined by Major Frech as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of Route 60 and Fourth street, thence to the river and along it to include the Union Concrete Pipe company's plant, then landward to top of the bank at the foot of B street, then to the N. and W. bridge and along the river bank to the mouth of Big Sandy river and up Big Sandy to the railroad. There will be a cutoff between the railroad and high land on the south side, Major Frech said.

An appropriation of $1,490,060 was made available by the U. S. government for work on the flood wall. This sum, however is only about half of the amount estimated by engineers as needed to finish the project. The initial appropriation must be expended by next June 30. Another appropriation will be made later to complete construction of the wall, which is estimated to cost a total of $2,862,000.

Huntington is included in the program with an appropriation of $1,310,000. The work at Huntington will probably be started by April 1 and will provide employment fur 1,250 men.

Total time for building the wall is estimated at two years.

Seventy per cent of the relief funds used must go for labor, and only thirty per cent for materials. It is expected, however, that there will be additional war department funds which can go for materials, to bring the proportions into balance.

(WCN - 12/17/1937) Wayne Bank To Move This Week

Saturday and Sunday will be moving days for the Wayne County Bank.

The institution will establish its headquarters in the building recently purchased from the receiver of the closed Peoples State bank. Since state law requires banks to remain open during regular business hours, except on holidays, the moving must be done at a time when it will not interfere with business. The work of making the transfer will begin after closing hours Saturday afternoon and will be completed by Monday morning.

The public assistance department, which formerly occupied the bank building, has moved to the county farm building two miles away.